Thank you, readers!

To all the readers who helped make the Ashland Public Library’s recent Romance Swag Auction a great success:


My set of books did amazingly well. Thanks to your generosity, it earned one of the highest bids. In a field that included so many of our finest romance authors, that is no small achievement. I’m honored and grateful.

The Ashland Public Library of Ashland, Massachusetts has been a great friend to romance, hosting and co-hosting our recent RomCons, among other events. You can expect another RomCon in the spring, and you can expect to see me there. Please watch this space for more.

And in other news, the third Difficult Dukes book continues to proceed—at my usual slow pace, as opposed to the previous year or two or however many it’s been when it didn’t really proceed at all, but wasted a lot of my time pretending it was doing so. Fingers crossed we make it to the finish line by the year’s end.